P.A.Y.E Tax Calculator

P.A.Y.E Tax Calculator

Best P.A.Y.E Tax Calculator

In Kenya, workers in formal employment are taxed through a deduction named Pay As You Earn (PAYE).

This is calculated as the table below

Monthly Bands of Taxable Income (KES) TaxRate
0 – 24,000 10%
On the next 8,333 25%
On the next 467,667 30%
On the next 300,000 32.5%
On amounts over 800,000 35%

Hourly/Daily Rate Calculator


Hourly/Daily Rate Calculator

We provide a more realistic approach based on international best-practice as below:

  1. Get the hours per week =Hours per day x Working days(per week)
  2. Get the hours in a year = Hours per Week x 52 weeks (in a year)
  3. Get the hours per months = Hours in Year ÷ 12 (months)
  4. Get Hourly Pay = Monthly Salary ÷ Hours Per Month
  5. Get Daily Pay = Hourly Pay x Hours Per Day